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Macrozamia riedlei v přírodě

Rob Davies

  1. ATLAS: Macrozamia riedlei

Tyto fotografie pocházejí z kopců asi 100 km východně od Perthu. Všimněte si, že mladé rostliny obvykle mají modrou barvu, kterou velké mateřské rostliny již ztrácejí.

Macrozamia riedlei in habitat

The photo's where taken in the hills east of Perth Approx 100K's from the ocean between Mundaring and York on the map. The native bush in the area is a mix of Red Gum and Jarrah trees with Banksia and grass trees in the understory. And of course lots of macrozamia's. The soil was a mix of white sand or gravel/clay soil. The plants seemed to all be going alright despite the poor sand quality. I believe they are currently studying all of the local macrozamia's over here so there might be a few more named soon. And yes the Fraseri are everywhere overhere usually on the side of the roads all through Perth.

There is a distinct difference between Macrozamia riedlei and Macrozamia macdonnelii that should make them easier to distinguish since the Riedlei looses its blue when older. The most easiest and most noticeable difference to my eyes is that the Riedlei has a long petiole that goes straight into lower leaflets. Whereas the Macdonnellii the petiole reduces to entire lower leaflets to spines.