Zamia obliqua v přírodě (Chocó, Kolumbie)
Ana María Benavides
Zamia obliqua Braun patří k nejkrásnějším cykasům v rodu Zamia vůbec. Byla popsána německým botanikem Braunem v roce 1875.
•ATLAS: Zamia obliqua
Zamia obliqua in Habitat in Chocó, Colombia
These photographs come from Ana María Benavides, the author of the above mentioned study. In the text, the population structure and distribution of Zamia obliqua in an area of the pacific coast at Colombian Chocó was examined. The study goals were to: (1) analyze the distribution of the life cycle-stages according to environmental, distance and topographic factors, and (2) evaluate the conservation status of the studied populationsand life history.
This study was supported by The Cycad Society in 2007. The author has included also some photos of the Eumaeus godortii Boisduval, Lycaenidae caterpillars and also of the potential beetle pollinators that were collected in male cones for our readers